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Are Pressure Washer Guns Interchangeable?

    Cover graphic of sprayers for are pressure washer guns interchangeable blog

    Has your pressure washer gun broke or are you looking into a potential upgrade for your system?  Many pressure washers owners at some point are faced with looking to get a new gun. Searching through all the different options to find the right one can be daunting but are pressure washers guns interchangeable?  The answer is that they CAN be but might not be.  

    The key component to consider once you find a replacement pressure washer gun is if the fittings are the correct size for your system.  As long as the fittings and connectors match your setup then you are good to go. You do not need to worry about brand, overall size, or anything internal.  Just make sure the connection fittings match and you’ll be all set.

    Are All Pressure Washer Guns The Same?

    Once you are sure that you have the correct connections to make new pressure washer guns interchangeable you next need to consider are all pressure washers guns the same?  There is a wide selection out there. Some are good, some are not, and some may be a great fit for you but not others. Below, we’ll go over a few of the more popular types of replacement pressure washer guns and their pros and cons.

    Standard Pressure Washer Gun

    These are the most common type of gun or sprayer you will find.  If you search online for a basic set up this is what you are most likely to find.  They have the standard set up of the trigger, handle, and there is normally a small wand on it that you can attach an extended wand attachment to.  Many times they will come as a kit with the nozzles and possibly even an extender as the built-in length typically isn’t as long as most prefer.

    Small or Snub Nose Pressure Washer Gun

    These sprayers are basically just the handle, housing, and the trigger. You then need to attach a wand or attach your nozzle directly to it.  They are good for use in small and tight areas or for jobs where you need more direct control. They are also great to use with a foam cannon because it does not add the weight to the far end of a built-in wand.

    Dual Button Trigger Pressure Washer Gun

    These pressure washer guns give you two triggers within the grip.  One is in the normal spot and the other is typically above that under the top of the gun. This allows you to hold the handle and wand in a few different kinds of grips.  It is beneficial if you are doing a lot of jobs that are above you. Some of these can even come with a should stock to help keep things steady.

    Are Pressure Washer Wands Universal?

    After you replace your sprayer gun you may start looking to upgrade your wand as well.  Once you start to see all the different options available for those you may start to ask yourself another familiar question – are pressure washer wands universal?  The quick answer is no, they are not universal.

    The reason for this is that wands built for electric machines are made of different materials than those built for gas pressure washers. As well as, the fittings and connectors can be different and will need to be matched up to your machine.

    There are also a degree of grades to wands with some being for professional use and others for more general use.  Electric systems are typically less powerful than the gas counterparts so those wands can be made of plastic. The more powerful your system is the more durable of a wand you will need.

    Finally, there are also telescoping wands that are used to get closer to what you are cleaning from the ground level.  These can vary too and you will need to check to make sure your set up can handle the wand and that the connections will work for you.

    Learn More About Pressure Washing

    Hopefully, our post on are pressure washer guns interchangeable was helpful for you.  If there is something we missed or you have any other tips, please let us know below.  To learn more about a wide variety of pressure washers and tips on how best to use them check out our full blog here.  As well as these articles – Are pressure washer nozzles universal? And This Is Why Your Pressure Washer Is Hard To Pull Start

    1 thought on “Are Pressure Washer Guns Interchangeable?”

    1. I have a Paxcess electric power washer and need to replace the power wash gun. Can you advise the correct one and where can I purchase it.

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